Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

This year Charlie was into Christmas, that was until Christmas got here. I had stuck a few things under the tree at home and he tried to open them a few times and we we arrived at Granny and Grampy's Charlie and his cousin Lyssa grabbed gifts and took off running with them. Then the big day was here and Grampy was giving Charlie gifts to open and he opened one and took off running with it. So I went to get him to open more and the major melt down began! He wanted the gift he had opened and we just couldn't get him to understand that he got lots of gifts and they all would go home with him. Well we tried and tried and then we let him go hide in the bedroom where Aunt Debbie talked to him and they snuck out to open gifts but that was short lived. Then right in the middle of the unwrapping Charlie fell asleep, this was after a nice long night of sleep and sleeping in for him till 7:30. He slept for 4 hours and when he woke up he was ready for some unwrapping!! More picture's soon!

I hope you Christmas was truly blessed!

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