Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Charlie was sick!!

Runny a very high Fever...the only way the fever was staying down from 104 and above was with both Motrin and Tylenol ever couple of hours. We took him to the ER Saturday, they gave him some IV fluids and did some blood work but came back with nothing. Said it must be Viral. Sunday he was still running a fever and we thought about taking him back but then while he napped his temperature was normal and I thought the fever finally broke. After nap he crept back up, then yesterday morning he was back at 103.2 so I called Dr. Sommer's office and we headed in there at 11. Dr. Sommer's found pus in his left ear and say that it might of been secondary to the fever. So he is now on antibiotics and Motrin/Tylenol for his fever. Which since yesterday afternoon seems to be very low grade!Notice the tape and gauze still on his IV site and the Id bracelet around his ankle... he would not let us remove either. Finally Sunday night durning a bath I was able to remove the tape, witch resulted in a huge melt down. He still has the ID Bracelet.

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