Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Look what Moppy Found....

This morning while out in the yard I kept hearing a kitten cry, so I took a little walk and across the pound and a couple house over this lady yells to me ...

Lady-"you looking for a cat?"

Moppy- "we haven't lost one but I  heard one crying so I thought I would look for it to make sure it's OK

Lady "yeah it was just up here on my deck it's been hanging around for a few day and I wish someone would get rid of it! I think it just want's to be around people."

Her Dog is going nuts! I can see two gates to the yard both have big master lock locks on them, I can hear a kitten crying. Finally I see it in some tall landscaping plants. So I start making that clicking sound people seem to always make s to cats. And she says... "Well if you gonna take it I guess I can got get the key and unlock the gate"  I got the kitten to come to the gap in the gate and come to me.
Poor thing was just covered in fleas and "Daddy" is not to thrilled with Moppy, but CHarlie is in hog heaven. Oh and half the time Snoopy acts scared to death out it.

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