Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nice day for visiting the creek

The eighty degree days are number for this year, so Charlie and I used last Friday's beautiful weather to go enjoy the creek for what might be the last time this year. The water was already chilly but we had a great time! I wasn't really shocked to see that we were the only ones there. But sadly they have put up a sign  saying our favorite part of the creek is closed to the public and is private property. So we went the way and explored father then we ever had.  

This was a hard day for Charlie because he called to invite a friend to join us and his friend couldn't because he was in trouble.  He asked me many times why his friends was in trouble and I explained that it was like when Charlie doesn't want to listen to us and he gets in trouble. That's why we need to be as good as we can because sometimes if we are not we miss out on the things we would like to do.

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