Friday, May 1, 2009

Picture it...

It's 4:30 in the morning you're laying in your bed sleeping and are startled awake by your two year old jump's up in bed crying...

Charlie- crying and screaming
Daddy- Charlie sit down use your words
Moppy-Charlie sit down before you fall out of bed (Charlie sits down and then lays down)
Charlie - where's my band-aids
Moppy- Charlie you don't have any band-aids
Charlie- we need to get more Band-aids Mommy
Daddy- where are they Mommy
Moppy- OK Charlie we'll get more band-aids

Now though all that his eyes never open once!! We lay there for a minute, Daddy gets up and then I get up and we meet back in the bedroom where Daddy Ask me- What did you take that kids band-aids while he was sleeping? I tell him, "no he has not had any Band-aids on in days."

So now I know the Doctor has said from what I have told him he believes Charlie suffers from night terrors but that is described as crying in the sleep...This is not the first time he has done this type of thing so I think Charlie must have some very vivid dreams.

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